New Media in Art: Chapter 3 Response

   Chapter 3, 'Video Installation Art', is an examination of video installation as an art medium and the emergence of the context of a work becoming an integral part of its content. This idea of completely controlling the context of a piece of art was very interesting to me. Before reading this chapter, I believed that I had exercised a large amount of control over how others have seen my art. Whether it be through the size of an image, the color of an art mat, or the frame for a photograph, I believed I was making a great effort in how others viewed my art. However, this does not even hold a candle to the extent to which these installation artists control the environment in which their art lives. Through a manipulation and consideration of the time and space surrounding their work, video installation artists were able to push the idea of sculpture and poetry into a new art form.

   What also interested me in this chapter is the collapse of boundaries that can be achieved in an interactive installation. In this sense, the work becomes collaboration between the audience and the artist. This is something I would definitely want to play with in future projects. It can get stale when the art process is confined to taking a photograph and placing it in a frame on the wall. What if that wasn't the end of the project? What can only be achieved through the collaboration of many different people, all of which who have little to no connection to each other?

   Rush, Michael. New Media in Art. 2nd ed., New York, Thames & Hudson Inc., 2005.


  1. Kyle,
    Though you put a lot of effort into how others see your art, every single person will view it differently & think differently. Whenever I create a form of art, I always say "here's my art, think what you want of it & find your own message behind it." I want people to find their own hidden message behind my art, I don't want them to see it the way I do.

    Video Installation Art is very beautiful and I hope one day I can make own video installation art! I want it to have vibrant colors in a dark room. If you ever create some of it in the near future, I would be very happy to see it!

  2. Hi Kyle,
    I think it's really interesting how you highlight the work that goes into art and video installations, for both the art work as well as the audience. I know that artists try and consider their audience and space before hand, but like you, I don't always think of that quite as much as I should. Sometimes I just look at the photo and hang it rather than remind myself I have an audience as well. The space and audience can be just as important as the art, and they can also make or break an installation. Thanks for a different perspective!
    - Taylor Seid


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